Thursday, April 18, 2013

This week in WWII

August 27, 1945.  Japanese forces in Burma surrender.

August 28, 1944:  Allied forces capture Toulon and Marseilles

                                Patton's Third Army crosses the Marne.

August 29, 1943:  Germany imposes martial law in Denmark. The Danish government is replaced.

August 29, 1944:  In Slovakia, the Slovak National uprising begins.  Slovakian forces battle the Naxis until October 27, when formal resistance collapses.  Guerillas continue to act against German forces until the Soviets enter Slovakia in 1945.

August 30. 1944:  German resitance in te South of France continues to collapse.  The Allies enter Rouen.

August 30, 1945.  Admiral Cecil Harcourt leads the Royal Navy into Hong Kong and liberates the Crown Colony.
--submitted by Tom "Crash" Davis--

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