Friday, April 5, 2013

Redbirds sweep Dem Bums

The 1944 World Champion St. Louis Cardinals swept a 4 game set in the Borough of Churches.  Dem Bums really did look like a bunch a bums as the men from the West totally outclassed them.

GAME 1 - Ebbets Field
Munger vs Gregg
Cardinals 9, Dodgers 6

Key errors by the left side of the Dodger infield opened the floodgates up early.  Emil Verban (4-5, 2 R and 2 RBI) was the offensive pacecetter for a team that knocked out 18 hits in total.  Catcher Walker Cooper added 3 hits of his own.

M.Cooper vs Lombardi
Cardinals 5, Dodgers 2

St. Louis outlasted the hometown heroes in a game that as tied at 1 each until the 8th.  Two more errors by the Dodger infield gift wrapped a win for a Cardinal team that doesn't need any gifts.  Wally Kurowski (2-4) had 2 RBI's with a double and a triple.  Brooklyn managed just 4 hits.

Wilks vs C.Davis
Cardinals 7, Dodgers 2

Walker Cooper and R.Sanders each went 3 for 5 as the Redbird scored 7 and Ted Wilks (CG) gave up just 2.  Brooklyn's fading offens posted just 4 hits.

Lanier vs Branca
Cardinals 8, Dodgers 4 (11 inn)

Brooklyn needed a 2 out RBI single from "the People's Cherce", Dixie Walker to tie the game up and head to extra innings.  St. Louis's fire power was too much for the upstarts from Brooklyn as the Cards scored 4 times in the 11th to win handily.

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