Friday, April 12, 2013

Mack-men take 3 of 4 up in Motown

The first three games of the series were somewhat lopsided with Philadelphia winning games 1 & 2 and Detroit winning game 3. Game four was a squeaker with Philadelphia scoring the go ahead run in the top of the 7th and holding off Detroit the rest of the way for a 4-3.  A's win 3 of 4
--submitted by Orion Bell--

GAME 1 - Tiger Stadium
The Mack-men victimized Stubby Overmire for 9 runs on 18 hits (21 total) to run away with this game.  Ford Garrison (4-5, 2 RBI) and Dick Siebert (3-5, 3 RBI) paced an offense where everyone hit, including hurler Flores.  The unsung hero was Jesse Flores who went the distance and kept his focus, while allowing just 1 run.


The visitors from the City of Brotherly Love got a virtuoso performance from Bobo Newsom who

tossed a tidy 4 hit shutout.  Newsom was the complete underdog going up against all world MVP candidate Prince Hal Newhouser, who gave up 4 runs in the first 3 innings then settled down nicely.

Dizzy Trout mirrored Newsom's performance from the previous day to finally tab a win for the hometown team.  Detroit got a 4 for 4 day a t the plate from Bo Outlaw and multi-hit games from 3 others including Eddie Mayo, who took Scheib deep in the 8th.

Finally a nail biter.  Detroit looked to be in the catbird seat deep into the game, but a 3 run outburst by the Mack-men in the top of the 7th turned a 3-1 deficit into a 4-3 lead.  In that frame the A's interestingly scored twice on sac flies.  Detroit squandered a big day at the plate by Rudy York (3-4, 2 RBI), who hit his 2nd homer of the season.  Eddie Mayo had his 2nd homer in as many days, but the story was the resiliency of the Mack-men and their balanced 10 hit attack.

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