Wednesday, May 8, 2013

This Week in WWII - by Tom "Crash" Davis

September 10. 1944: 
  • U.S. First army liberates Luxembourg.
  • Allied forces from the west and south meet at Dijon and cut France in half.
  • First Allied troops cross into German, seizing the town of Aachen.
  • Dutch railway workers go n strike, prompting German retaliation.  Germans cut off food supplies from farms and towns to major cities and some 22,000 Dutch citizens die during the winter of 44-45.

September 11, 1944:
  • U.S. XXI Corps arrives in the European theater.

September 12, 1943:
  • Otto Skorzeny leads two hundred German parachutists in a descent on the hilltop prison where Mussolini is being held, guarded by a full division of Italian troops and rescues the former dictator.  Mussolini is then set up by Hitler to head a new government in Italy. the "Italian Social Republic."  Most Italians ignore his leadership.

September 13, 1943:
  • Italian forces begin to fight German troops in Greece.
  • German troops counterattack at Salerno, endangering the thinly held beachhead.

September 13, 1944:
  • U.S. troops reach the Siegfried Line, a line of fortifications on the German border similar to (and just as useless as) the Maginot Line in France.

September 13, 1945:
  • British 20th Indian Division under Major General Douglas Gracey arrive in Saigon to accept surrender of all Japanese forces in French Indo China south of the 16th parallel.  At the same time, Chinese Nationalist forces arrive in Hanoi to accept surrender of Japanese forces in French Indo China north of the 16th parallel.  Chinese forces, having looted every Vietnamese settlement during their march, proceed to loot Hanoi.  French Indo China is effectively divided into North and South Vietnam.

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