Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Redbirds roll along with 3 out of 4 in Pit

Forbes Field
Munger vs Roe
Cardinals 9, Pirates 3

Red Munger went the distance and easily kept the Bucs in check.  His opposing number, Preacher Roe, had problems from the get go with the Redbirds beating him up for 3 runs in the top of the 1st.  The top of the Cardinal order was an incredible 9 for 13 with catcher Walker Cooper going 5 for 4.  Danny Litwhiler picked up his 4 RBI's with one mighty swing of the bat in the 5th.

M.Cooper vs Butcher
Cardinals 7, Pirates 1

Mort Cooper went the distance and gave up just 1 run in the bottom of the 9th, which spoiled his shutout bid.  The Cardinal offense was in fine gear as everyone, including pitcher Cooper got a hit.  Cooper actually had 2 hits as the Cards finished up the sweep of this twin bill.

Wilks vs Sewell
Pirates 6, Cardinals 2

For 7 innings it looked as if the Redbirds were going to once again glide to an easy victory.  Then came the tumultuous home half of the 8th where the Bucos erupted for 6 runs.  Babe Dahlgren's 2 run single put the Bucs up for good.  Frankie Gustine's 2 run double provide a ton of insurance, which is always needed vs the formidable Cardinal lineup that just doesn't have any holes.

Lanier vs Strincevich
Cardinals 10, Pirates 4

After an off day the Cardinal offense returned to dominant form.  Max Lanier didn't have his best outing on the bump, but he pitched well enough to win considering he got double digit run support.  Leadoff man Johnny Hopp was 3 for 5 with 5 RBI.  Stan Musial was 3 for 6 as he upped his league leading average to .383.  Catcher Ken O'Dea, hitting out of the 8th spot was a perfect 4 for 4 with 3 runs scored and 1 RBI as the Cardinal juggernaut rolls through Pittsburgh.

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