Thursday, May 2, 2013

Cubs - Cardinals At It Again

Wrigley Field, Chicago
Wilks vs Wyse
St. Louis 8  Chicago 1
The Cardinals and Cubs went at it again, this time in Chicago, as they played back to back four game series.  After losing the series in St Louis the Cubbies were looking to turn the tables on the Redbirds at home.  If the first game of the series was any indication then Chicago was in for more of the same.  Led by Stan Musial, the Cardinals jumped on Hank Wyse for 4 runs in the 3rd and never looked back as they took the open 8-1.  "The Man" went 3 for 3 with 2 walks and Marty Marion had 3 RBI to lead St. Louis.  Ted Wilks tossed a complete game.

Wrigley Field, Chicago
Lanier vs Derringer
St. Louis 3  Chicago 0
Game two was a well pitched game and through 7 innings there were nothing but goose eggs on the scoreboard.  Something had to give and it was Chicago who gave up a run in the 8th on a Danny Litwhiler RBI single.  The Cardinals added two insurance runs in the top of the 9th when second baseman Emil Verban plated 2 more.  Three St. Louis pitchers combined on the shutout as the Cardinals take game two, 3-0

Wrigley Field, Chicago
Brecheen vs Passeau
Chicago 8  St. Louis 5
The Cubs finally got on the scoreboard first with a run in the 3rd and then added one more in the 4th and 3 in the 5th to take a 4-0 lead after 5.  The Cardinals offense came to life in the 6th as they tied the game with the help of a Johnny Hopp homerun.  However, Chicago regained the lead in the bottom of the inning as they scored 2 more runs and went on to win 8-5.  Ed Sauer led the Chicago offense going 2 for 3 with a homerun while scoring 2 runs driving in 3 and swiping a base.  Chicago's starter, Claude Passeau has been the only pitcher to date to figure out how to stop the high powered St. Louis offense as he has handed them their only 2 loses on the season.

Wrigley Field, Chicago
Munger vs Prim
St. Louis 8  Chicago 5
The Cardinals scored solo runs in the 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 7th innings to take what appeared to be a safe 4-1 lead into the 8th inning.  But Chicago put together some hits to score 3 runs and suddenly the game was tied 4-4 headed into the 9th.  The bullpen broke down and allowed St. Louis to take the lead on an RBI single by Johnny Hopp and then, for good measure, gave up 3 more in the inning.  That was all that was needed as the Cardinals win the game 8-5 and the series 3 games to 1.  Johnny Hopp led the Cardinal offense with 3 hits and 2 RBI.

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