Monday, May 13, 2013

Reds and Cubbies split

Crosley Field
Borowy vs Walters
Reds 11, Cubs 3

Chicago drew first blood when Stan Hack singled home D.Johnson and Andy Pafko in the top of the 4th.  The Reds answered back with 3 of their own in the bottom of the inning.  A sac fly by Hughes in the top of the 5th tied it up at 3-3.  From there on it was all Cincy as the Reds scored more than a drunken sailor on liberty.  Every Red player had a multi-hit game accept for 2.  Pitcher Bucky Walters had 2 hits and allowed just 2 hits as he went the distance.

GAME 2 (Night Cap)
Wyse vs Heusser
Cubs 6, Reds 1

Undaunted by the shellacking that received in the opener the Cubs scored 5 runs over the first 2 innings and never looked back.  Hurler Hank Wyse allowed just 1 run on 3 hits in 9 innings of superlative work.  Phil Cavarretta went 3 for 4 with 3 RBI's to push his average above the .300 mark.

Stewart vs Shoun
Reds 4, Cubs 3 (13 inn)

The War Department allowed the the Reds to throw on the lights as this game went 4 extra frames.  Both teams piled on the hits, but neither team could plate that magical run until the home half of the 13th when with 2 out catcher Ray Mueller singled home Chuck Aleno to end the stalemate.  Mueller (3-6, 1 RBI) was behind the plate for all 13 innings after catching all 18 innings in yesterday's double header.  Hopefully his local draftboard in Pittsburg, KS might make note of this.

Passeau vs de la Cruz
Cubs 8, Reds 1

For those curious, Ray Mueller (3-4) once again caught all 9 innings.  That fact had no bearing on a game where Claude Passeau (5-0) did his "bend but never break" high wire act once again.  Chicago's hurler gave up 10 hits, but amazingly just 1 run (unearned) as he went the distance and the Cubbies won easily.  Catcher Mickey Livingston (4-5, 2 RBI / 2 Runs) boosted his season average to .412 and is now hitting out of the 2 spot in the lineup just in front of Phil Cavarretta (.301).  Stan Hack had a 3 hit day for the Northsiders, who earned a series split.

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