Sunday, May 12, 2013

Jints sweep Brooks

Polo Grounds
Seats vs A.Hansen
Giants 2, Dodgers 1

Tom Seats gave up 2 runs in the bottom of the first and that was all a trio of Jints hurlers would need to secure victory.  Mike Schemer's (2-3, 2 RBI) 2 run double was the game changer.  Brooklyn cut the lead in half in the 4th when Goody Rosen singled home Dixie Walker.  Rosen got greedy and tried to stretch his knock into a two bagger and got pegged easily at second.

Gregg vs Maglie
Giants 7, Dodgers 2

Brooklyn broke a 3-3 tie with 2 runs in the top of the 9th and looked like a sure thing to split the twin bill.  Reliever Cy Buker needed just 3 outs to put away a win.  New York got a lead off single by Ducky Medwick and a one out single by the "Schnoz", Ernie Lombardi to set the stage for Billy Jurges who pulled one down the line to end the game in grand style.

Branca vs Feldman
Giants 10, Dodgers 4

Harry Feldman was in the driver's seat leading 4-1, but the Brooks battered him for 3 runs in the top of the 8th to tie it up.  3 walks and timely RBI singles by Dixie Walker and Fats Dantonio did the trick.  Brooklyn's porus bullpen was in a generous mood as the Jints abused Webber and Pfund for 6 runs to blow the doors wide open in this one.  New York would post 15 hits with Phil Weintraub getting 3 and 4 other guys getting 2 apiece including George Hausmann, who had 3 RBI's.

C.Davis vs Mungo
Giants 11, Dodgers 0

Fans flooded out of the IND Subway station to see the boys from Coogan's Bluff pull off the unlikely sweep of their hated rivals from the Borough of Churches.  The home team scored early and often and at one point threatened to break the scoring record of their fall tenants, the New York Football Giants.  After a 5 run first it was all smooth sailing.  Van Mungo tossed a 6 hit complete game shutout and never threw one of his 154 pitches under duress.  The other side of the coin we saw Brooklyn's C.Davis never get out of the first after giving up 5 runs.  Mel Ott (3-4, 3 runs, 2 RBI) and Reyes (3-5, 2 RBI) paced an offense that looked like it was running the T-Formation and not the basepaths.  Fans at home in Flatbush were once again on suicide watch as the hated Jints swept the series.

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