Friday, May 3, 2013

This Week in WWII - by Tom "Crash" Davis

September 6, 1944
  • The blackout in London and other cities in England in replaced with a "dim out" as invasion is no longer a possibility and further bombing seems unlikely.
  • Ghent and Liege are liberated by British forces.
September 8, 1943:
  • General Dwight D. Eisenhower publicly announces the surrender of Italy.
September 8, 1944:
  • Canadian troops liberate Ostend.
  • Soviet troops enter Bulgaria.  Bulgaria surrenders and declares war on Germany.
September 9, 1943:
  • The Allies land at Salerno.
  • British troops enter Taranto.
  • The Allies  begin the long trudge up the boot of Italy.
  • The Soviet Army launches an offensive aimed at Kiev, the capital of the Ukraine.
  • Iran, which has sat on the sidelines while entertaining overtures from both the Germans and the Allies, finally sees the writing on the wall and declares war on Germany
September 9, 1944:
  • The first V-2 rocket hits London.
  • The Allied Supreme Command is forced to re-evaluate its strategy.
  • Men and material are diverted from Patton and given to Montgomery so that Montgomery can clear Holland of the V-2 launch sites.
  • This will result in the disaster called Operation Market Garden

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