Saturday, June 1, 2013

This Week in WWII by Tom "Crash" Davis

September 25, 1943:  The Soviet Army captures the city of Smolensk, west of Moscow.  Their current offensive brings them to the outskirts of Kiev.

September 26, 1943:  The British had occupied the Greek Island of Leros on September 15.  The Germans began the Battle of Leros on this date, commencing with heavy air attacks which continued until German troops landed on November 12.  Within four days resistance ended and 3200 British troops and over 5000 Italian troops were taken prisoner.

September 23, 1944:  American troops seize the massive atoll called Ulithi in the Carolina Islands.  It would later become a large naval supply base.

September 24, 1944:  The last of the British 6th Airborne, "The Red Devils" evacuate Arnhem.  Operation Market Garden comes to an abysmal end.  Over 6000 British paras are captured, virtually wrecking the Airborne wing of the British Army.  Montgomery's plan, though daring. is poorly conceived and ignores vital intelligence from aerial photography and Dutch resistance that Arnhhem is being used by an SS Panzer Division to rest and refit.

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