Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Bucs almost take series from Redbirds...settle for split

Sportsman's Park
Roe vs Wilks
Cardinals 19, Pirates 8

19 runs on 19 hits says it all.  It was a 3 run game until the 7th when the Redbirds exploded for 9 runs over the final 2.  Walker Cooper, Johnny Hopp and Dan Litwhiler all hit homers.  The top 3 guys in the Cardinal lineup were a combined 9 for 15 with 7 RBI and 12 runs scored.  That's better production than a Ford assembly line.  Litwhiler (4-5) paced the offense with 6 RBI's.

Strincevich vs Lanier
Pirates 11, Cardinals 1

Turnabout is fair play.  This time the Bucs had a late surge to win going away.  With 8 runs in the top of the 9th of reliever Naymick the Bucs put hurler Nick Strincevich on easy street.  Vince DiMaggio looked like his little brother Joe going 3 for 6 with 3 RBI's and 2 runs scored, while hitting his second homer of the season.  Pete Coscarart had a 3 for 6 day as well.

Ostermueller vs Brecheen
Pirates 5, Cardinals 0

3 insurance runs in the top of the 9th gave Cy Young candidate Fritz Ostermueller (6-0, 1.31) a week's worth of runs to work with.  Johnny Barrett, who steals bases like Ty Cobb swiped his 38th and 39th of the season after going 3 for 5 with 1 run scored and an RBI.  Vinny DiMaggio continued to be hot going 2 for 4.  Musial went 1-3 and saw his average drop to .404.

Sewell vs Munger
Cardinals 9, Pirates 8

For excitement this game had it all.  St. Louis looked like it was cruising with Red Munger leaving up 6-3 after 8 innings of work.  Only 2 of those 3 runs were earned by the Red head.  Jurisich was brought on in the 9th to get three outs.  Instead he gave up 3 runs as the Bucs clawed and scratched to tie it.  Extra innings would follow a and neither team would score in the first 3 additional stanzas.  In the top of the 13th Pittsburgh scored on a Rescigno squeeze bunt and a Johnny Barrett sac fly.  The hometown fans were silent with shock.  Could the Redbirds lose their first series of the season ?  The answer:  A resounding NO.  With 2 out and 2 on and intentional pass was issued to Johnny Hopp to load the bases.  Not a standard move according to "the book", but an interesting one.  That brought up Walker Cooper who slammed a 2 run game ending double off reliever Cuccurullo.

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