Saturday, March 16, 2013

Baseball goes to War...

The United States entered WWII on December 7th 1941, "a date that will live in infamy".  On that date the Japanese Imperial Navy attacked our Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor Naval Base on Oahu.  The following day both Germany and Italy also declared war on us.  From that moment on the United States of America was at war.

At first the war didn't take a huge bite out of baseball.  Through the 1942 season most of the major stars were still playing ball.  Future HOF'ers like Hank Greenberg and Bob Feller were already serving in combat, but others like Joe DiMaggio and Ted Williams were still serving in Boston and the Bronx.  By 1943 the war was taking a huge toll on our nation and a manpower shortage forced the remaining ballplayers into conscription.  The draft left a huge void in MLB.  At one time or another the owners thought of closing down baseball until the war ended, but to his credit FDR encouraged them to keep it open for the sake of our morale.

To replace the regulars MLB had to rely on guys over 35, under 18 and those classified 4F (not fit for military service).  The teams in this league represent those "fellas".  From 1943-1945 major league baseball was populated by an eclectic bunch of has been's, never was'es and up and comers.  This league will determine which team during this 3 year period was the best of the "War Era".